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The story of my work with the Chinese company" client"

我和 顾客的小故事


I was told by a friend that a Chinese company on IWORKU is looking for one resident in Cairo, Egypt to help them visit a target client

某 ,一位网友跟我说,一家 公司在IWORKU上征募开罗当地人帮她们拜会目标客户。


[ig粉丝网(ig528.com)] https://www.ig528.com

It is crucial to have a local representative who can assist with the communication and potentially set up a meeting with the manager or secretary of the client company. This way, a face-to-face meeting can be arranged to showcase the products and leave a positive impression. Having someone who understands the local culture and business norms can greatly improve the chances of getting a response and securing a successful partnership.

她们以前一直与别人维持邮件联络,但突然之间就断掉音讯,因而期待找当地人来輔助彼此沟通,假如可以的话, 好是能上门服务拜访客户,亲自向她们展现产品文件目录,便于加重的印像。


Firstly I called the secretary of the Egyptian company called Ms: Ghada saying that I was calling in name of the Chinese company, I was their representative in Egypt in an unofficial capacity as they does not have an agent in Egypt or a branch there.

Ghada女士非常友好和耐心地听取了我的介绍,并感谢我联系她。她表示很高兴公司有了这样的第三方伙伴,并期待与我们合作。我们讨论了一些合作细节和可能的项目,她很详细地向我介绍了公司的业务和需求。 在通话过程中,我感觉Ghada女士非常专业和热情,她对公司的未来发展充满信心,并希望我们可以成为他们的有力合作伙伴。我也对这次合作充满了期待,希望我们可以共同努力,取得双赢的结果。通过这次通话,我深深感受到了沟通的重要性和合作的价值,相信我们会有很好的合作关系。感谢Ghada女士的耐心和合作,让我们一起实现成功!


I understand that the director is currently out of the country and unavailable to make a decision on the offer. I appreciate you keeping me informed and I look forward to hearing back from you after you have obtained the necessary permission for the interview. Thank you for your assistance.


I called her more than 2 times a week in order to get  the update, finally made an appointment with Ms Ghada, it was the first week of November the third hour at noon, according to the timing of Cairo, Egypt


I also highlighted the quality of the products, the reliability of the company and the excellent customer service they offer. I emphasized the competitive prices and the flexibility in terms of payment and delivery options. Overall, I made sure to convey a strong message of value and trust, encouraging her to consider working with the Chinese company for their electrical generator needs.


Overall, Ms. Ghada expressed her admiration for the Chinese company's commitment to having a local presence in Cairo. She found it to be a positive sign of their willingness to engage and invest in the local market. She also appreciated the opportunity to personally confirm their decision and promised to keep me updated on any developments. In addition, I provided Ms. Ghada with a printed memorandum from the Chinese company detailing their goals and values, which she found to be informative and helpful in understanding their business approach. I have since prepared a detailed report for the boss of the Chinese company, complete with several images and attachments to provide a comprehensive overview of our meeting and discussions. This report will serve as a helpful reference for them as they consider their next steps in the Egyptian market. Overall, the meeting with Ms. Ghada was very productive and promising, and I am confident that our continued collaboration with the Chinese company will lead to mutually beneficial opportunities in the future.




This agreement is part of China's efforts to increase the international use of the Yuan and reduce dependence on the US dollar. It is a significant step towards strengthening economic ties between Egypt and China, as well as promoting trade and investment between the two countries. The move has been met with mixed reactions, with some experts praising the benefits of diversifying currency options and reducing reliance on the dollar, while others raise concerns about the potential impact on Egypt's economy and the stability of the Yuan. Overall, the agreement is seen as a positive development for both countries, and it is expected to bring about increased trade and investment opportunities in the future. It marks a new chapter in economic cooperation between Egypt and China and sets a precedent for other countries to consider diversifying their currency options in international trade.

2022年11月初,埃及与 相关埃及销售市场上RMB商品流通的有关协议书宣布签定并起效,意味着美元在埃及销售市场的影响力将被RMB替代。这可能使埃及从 的进口流程更便捷,产品价格也更划算,全部海关步骤都更简单。

Additionally, having a local intermediary can also help to navigate any potential cultural differences or misunderstandings that may arise during the communication process. They can provide valuable insights and help to build trust and rapport with the client, ultimately leading to a more successful business relationship. Overall, hiring a local guy to assist with client communication is a smart and practical decision that can benefit both parties involved. It can streamline the communication process, bridge any language or cultural barriers, and ultimately contribute to the overall success of the business. So, I definitely think it is a brilliant idea.



1. 会议翻译:提供英语和阿拉伯语之间的口译服务,帮助商务会议顺利进行。 2. 商务谈判:协助商务谈判,提供翻译和谈判技巧支持,帮助双方达成合作协议。 3. 项目管理:协助管理商业项目,包括项目计划制定、执行和监督等工作。 4. 商业顾问:为企业提供商业咨询服务,帮助他们解决经营管理中遇到的问题并制定发展战略。 5. 市场调研:进行市场调研分析,帮助企业了解市场需求和竞争情况,为其制定营销策略提供参考。 6. 商务活动策划:为企业组织商务活动,包括会议、展览和培训等,确保活动顺利进行并达到预期效果。


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