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< p yl =" - i 7p ;">据《电商报》了解,网易考拉海购获得了拜尔斯道夫旗下妮维雅跨境的全品类授权,双方将在打造联名商品、开拓 市场等多个方面进行深度合作。20 年是 跨境电商兴起的元年,网易考拉海购随即开启了与海外品牌的合作。目前,雀巢、惠氏、G p Z i 、E C 、P+M、H p 等欧洲品牌商和商超均与网易考拉海购达成战略合作,扩大在 市场的品牌影响力。According to the "E-commerce News", Netease Kaola has obtained the full category authorization for Beiersdorf's NIVEA cross-border products. The two sides will cooperate deeply in creating joint products, exploring markets, and more. The year 2020 marked the beginning of the rise of cross-border e-commerce, and Netease Kaola promptly initiated collaborations with overseas brands. Currently, European brand owners and supermarkets such as Nestle, Wyeth, Gp Zi, EC, P+M, and HP have all formed strategic partnerships with Netease Kaola to expand the brand's influence in the market. Netease Kaola's partnership with Beiersdorf's NIVEA is a significant development for both companies. NIVEA is a globally recognized brand known for its high-quality skincare products. This collaboration will enable Netease Kaola to offer a wider range of NIVEA products to its customers, further diversifying its product portfolio. The partnership aims to create a mutually beneficial relationship by combining the expertise and resources of both companies. Netease Kaola, as a leading cross-border e-commerce platform in China, will leverage its extensive distribution network, marketing capabilities, and strong customer base to promote NIVEA products. On the other hand, Beiersdorf can tap into Netease Kaola's vast customer base and gain access to the Chinese market, which holds immense potential for growth. One of the key areas of cooperation between Netease Kaola and Beiersdorf will be the development of joint products. Collaborative efforts in product development will allow both companies to cater to the specific needs and preferences of Chinese consumers. By combining NIVEA's expertise in skincare and Netease Kaola's understanding of local market trends, they can create products that resonate with Chinese consumers and meet their unique requirements. Additionally, the collaboration will involve joint marketing initiatives to enhance brand visibility and reach a broader consumer base. Netease Kaola's robust marketing strategies and digital platforms will enable NIVEA to promote its products effectively and generate higher brand awareness in the Chinese market. This, in turn, will contribute to the overall growth and success of both companies. As cross-border e-commerce continues to gain momentum, partnerships like this play a crucial role in driving the industry forward. Netease Kaola has been actively seeking collaborations with renowned international brands to expand its product offerings and establish a strong foothold in the market. By partnering with Beiersdorf's NIVEA, Netease Kaola has taken another significant step towards consolidating its position as a leading player in the cross-border e-commerce sector. Overall, the partnership between Netease Kaola and Beiersdorf's NIVEA holds immense potential for growth and success. It not only benefits both companies by combining their strengths but also provides Chinese consumers with a broader range of high-quality skincare products from one of the world's most trusted brands. This collaboration exemplifies the opportunities and possibilities that cross-border e-commerce presents, and it will be interesting to see how it unfolds in the coming years.

< p yl =“- i 7p;”> 據《電商報》瞭解, 易考拉海購獲得了拜爾斯道夫旗下妮維雅跨境的全品類授權,雙方將在打造聯名商品、開拓中國市場等多個方面進行深度合作。 20年是中國跨境電商興起的元年, 易考拉海購隨即開啟了與海外品牌的合作。 現時,雀巢、惠氏、G pins 點 贊,转推 排行,ins 追踪,转推 点 赞,ins 订阅 购买易考拉海购是中国知名的跨境电商平台,在过去的20年里,他们与多个海外品牌展开了合作。最近,根据《电商报》的消息,易考拉海购成功获得了拜尔斯道夫旗下妮维雅跨境的全品类授权,双方将在联名商品推出、开拓中国市场等多个方面展开深度合作。 妮维雅作为一个备受消费者喜爱的跨境品牌,其产品一直以来以高品质而闻名于世。而易考拉海购作为中国跨境电商领域的领军者,其强大的供应链体系和专业的运营能力,使得两者的合作势必会为消费者带来更多优质的产品选择和购物体验。 据了解,易考拉海购将与妮维雅共同打造联名商品,这将使消费者能够享受到更具独特性和个性化的商品。此外,双方还将合作开拓中国市场,通过易考拉海购覆盖广泛的消费者群体和强大的营销渠道,将妮维雅的产品推广至更多的中国消费者。这无疑是一个双赢的合作,将进一步提升妮维雅品牌在中国市场的知名度和影响力。 通过此次合作,易考拉海购再次展示了其致力于为消费者提供多元化、优质的跨境购物体验的决心。易考拉海购一直致力于为消费者引进全球高品质的商品,通过与国际品牌合作不断拓展产品线和供应链资源,满足消费者对品质和个性化的需求。 未来,我们有理由相信,随着易考拉海购与妮维雅等国际品牌的合作不断深入,中国消费者将能够更便捷地享受到来自全球的精选商品。同时,这也将进一步促进了中国跨境电商行业的发展,为消费者提供更多更好的购物体验。期待能够看到更多类似的合作,推动全球化消费的进程,让消费者能够放心购物,畅享国际品质。


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