ins爆粉 2022年美国电商增长迅猛,在这个竞争激烈的市场中,如何将新客户转化为忠实的老客户是亚马逊无货源电商界的首要问题。

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The preceding information is undeniably great news for China's cross-border e-commerce. However, as the old Chinese saying goes, to be successful in a hundred battles, one must know oneself as well as the enemy. While Europe is indeed a promising market for various E-commerce sectors, thoroughly studying this market is essential for establishing a strong presence. Without reliable data statistics, it might be assumed that countries like Britain, Germany, and France, being old economic powers, are the primary hubs for online shopping in Europe. Nonetheless, it is now evident that Italy, Spain, Poland, Lithuania, and other countries cannot be overlooked as viable markets for cross-border e-commerce.

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