IG买粉赞 Shopee巴西App的月度活跃用户数量是亚马逊的9倍,达到4250万。同时购买Instagram粉丝便宜。

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根据Sensor Tower和美国银行全球研究(Bank of America Global Research)数据显示,Shopee巴西App在过去12个月内,月度活跃用户数量实现了直线飙升,超过了亚马逊、B2W和Magazine Luiza等竞争对手。

The monthly active users of the shopee Brazil app have seen a significant increase in the last year, as indicated by data from sensor tower and Bank of America global research. This growth has surpassed that of competitors like Amazon, b2w, and magazine Luiza.


[ig粉丝网(ig528.com)] https://www.ig528.com

根据数据,9月份Shopee app在巴西的月度活跃用户总数为4250万,是美国电商巨头亚马逊的9倍。


分析师们表示,这一增长是巴西跨境电商强劲增长的结果,由于巴西和 邮政允许第三方在巴西提供长途货运服务,大幅减少了运输时间,2019年巴西跨境电商增长了67%。




然而,巴西行业团体和监管机构对于迅速增长的跨境电商也产生了关注。 Procon是巴西消费者保护委员会的一个例子,他们在9月份对Shopee平台的产品真实性和产地问题发出了警告,并希望平台展示促销、优惠券和运输政策的标准,同时提供客服渠道的有效运作证明。

Nevertheless, Brazilian industry groups and regulators have taken notice of the explosive expansion of cross-border e-commerce. In September, Procon, the Brazilian Consumer Protection Commission, issued a cautionary statement about the legitimacy and source of products on the shopee platform. Additionally, the commission requested that the platform exhibit clear guidelines regarding promotions, coupons, and shipping policies, while also providing evidence of accessible customer service channels.

编译✎   玛丽/


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