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The factors that affect the ranking in terms of seller rating include whether the account belongs to top, whether it is above standard, and whether there is a violation record. Additionally, the satisfaction of buyers, the number of medium and poor reviews, the level of DSR score, and the number of INR and snad complaints also contribute to the ranking.

商品的EDD、物流方式(经济型或商业型)、是否免运费、是否免费退货以及所在区域等信息都包含在内。此外,还需要了解商品是从海外仓发货还是直接发货,若是海外仓发货,是否参与了eGD计划。在best match规则中,eBay提高了海外仓物品和免运费物品的排名,降低了高运费或运费不明商品的排名。


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