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以上信息对我国的跨境电商来说无疑是重大利好消息,不过 有句古话说得好:知己知彼百战不殆!欧洲固然是众多电商看重的市场圣地,但要想在这市场上立足,还得把这市场研究透。如果没有数据统计,估计很多人都会认为,欧洲 中像英国、德国、法国这些老牌经济大国才是网购 频繁的 ,如今看来,意大利、西班牙、波兰、立陶宛等国也是跨境电商不可忽视的市场。

The information above undoubtedly brings good news for China's cross-border e-commerce. However, as the old Chinese saying goes, understanding both oneself and the enemy is key to never being defeated in battles. Although Europe is a prominent hub for various e-commerce markets, thorough market research is essential to establish a position. Without data statistics, many would assume that countries like Britain, Germany, and France are the most active online shoppers in Europe. However, it is now apparent that Italy, Spain, Poland, Lithuania, and other countries cannot be overlooked by cross-border e-commerce.


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vx: 『 』 , 如何 增加 IG 粉丝,IG 自动赞,IG 增加 粉絲,Instagram华人粉,IG粉丝,Instagram购买,ins刷赞,ins刷粉丝,Instagram刷播放量,IG自动赞,IG 粉丝 购买,ins刷粉低价,IG刷播放量❤️‍🔥

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