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According to reports, the new version of the harmonized system incorporates 242 groups of catalog revisions, which adjusts the number of 4-digit items to 1222 and 6-digit subitems to 5387. In addition, certain commodity catalogs with low international trade volume have been combined or eliminated to simplify and optimize the catalog structure. Furthermore, there have been revisions made to certain class notes, chapter notes, and sub item notes in order to clarify the commodity classification rules and minimize classification disputes.

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开年到公司上班,就听说老板会再雇佣一两个业务员的,等了快半个月,来了个女的,据说是有5-6年的工作经验。说到有经验的业务员,这是我极力推荐老板要找的,因为我自己没有工作经验,对外贸这一行什么都不懂,所以我天真的以为老板找有经验的来公司,到时候就可以带着我们进入外贸这一轨道,可事实呢? …